Founded in 2007, NOLA YOGA is a nationally registered 200-RYT yoga school with The Yoga Alliance. NOLA YOGA provides the highest level of quality yoga instruction of a unique style of Align & Flow Hatha Yoga that artfully blends the expression of the human heart and clarity of mind with biomechanics of the body. NOLA YOGA’s intention is to offer empowering teachings so that one’s practice can deepen, playfully refine, and ultimately soar from the heart, within artful alignment and authentic self-expression. Continuing education courses include workshops, immersions, teacher trainings, and mentorships. Along with earning CEUs, instructors and inquisitive students are encouraged to hone teaching skills, master areas of specialization, promote interdisciplinary modalities of healing arts with asana, as well as continue to connect the yoga matrix of the Gulf Coast.
In 2005, in response to Hurricane Katrina, New York City-based filmmaker and international traveling yoga educator Cat McCarthy was asked to return to her devastated hometown of New Orleans and to help rebuild the local and surrounding gulf coast yoga communities. She had experienced the vital role that yoga played in NYC after 9/11 and anticipated that New Orleans could use the same tools of coping as normalcy was slowly restored. Cat helped organize the first-ever Karma Krew initiative, which brought yogis from all over the US in the role of service. Together with fellow New Orleanians, the karma yogis applied yoga off the mat by helping repair damaged schools, flooded homes, and broken hearts. Since then, she has played an integral part in the expansion of yoga in the region. Cat has helped local studios rebuild from the inside out, new studios start from the ground on up, yoga festivals and conferences germinate regionally, and has offered relentless support to studios as part of their curriculum of workshops, immersions, and teacher trainings.
If you are interested in pursing the service of yoga by becoming a teacher or by deepening your study of the practice, please contact NOLA YOGA about upcoming courses at email: cat@catmccarthyyoga.com